Attracting, developing and retaining talent is the key to Abengoa’s success. As a product of the company’s management model, Abengoa boosts the capabilities and competencies of its employees so that their contributions meet company needs.
Abengoa has an executive development program and a specific system for evaluating their performance based on the 360-degree methodology. In 2010 more than 500 company employees were participating in the program.
Abengoa also has a competency-based management model in place in all of its companies. This model facilitates integration of personnel with the strategic objectives, annual performance assessment and development in each group company. In 2010, the percentage of employees participating in performance assessment programs totaled 45 %.
2010 marked a further step forward in managing talent with the implementation of an ambitious Intercommunication Plan; empowering identification programs already in place to develop and conduct follow-up on employees with greater potential and to ensure both a two-way exchange of information as well as effective management thereof.
Abengoa prepares work climate surveys every two years in order to ascertain employee perception of the company and its management. A total of 14,500 surveys were conducted in 2010. The results of the 2010 survey are as follows 64.4 %
In addition, the company implemented a range of initiatives in 2010 to favor family and work life balance:
Employee benefits are enjoyed by all company personnel, regardless of the contractual relationship.
Management procedures require that all Abengoa employees have life and disability insurance coverage, and the companies in each country are responsible for taking out these policies for all employees.