In recent years, there has been a process in place for disseminating the paradigm of good corporate governance. This process, along with the duties entrusted to the investor relations departments, underscores the increasing importance within the value creation process of factors transcending mere financial variables that are associated with other aspects of corporate social responsibility; among these are aspects relating to environmental performance, strict observance of the law and the need to adopt ethical values.
Shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders require increasingly more complex information in relation to corporate strategy, information that is more exhaustive and technical in nature, and in line with their varying operational needs and requirements.
Abengoa transmits suitable and relevant information on the company’s financial profile in response to market demand, and provides further information on all other business dimensions.
Communication requires substantial prior planning to keep up with the increasing knowledge and awareness of investors, shareholders, analysts, and so on, and their growing demands for exhaustive and accurate information.
In light of all of this, it is essential for Abengoa to continuously improve the information it offers to its stakeholders by providing fuller content in line with stakeholder needs, and by creating more effective channels for dialog that are adapted to new technologies in order to facilitate the best possible flow of information between the company and the national and international financial community.