The Eureka project yielded higher performance and lower generating costs over saturated steam towers.
New management systems devised to ensure compliance with biofuel sustainability requirements.
The largest second-generation demonstration biofuel project got underway in the town of Babilafuente, Salamanca (Spain).
Significant progress made in engineering other third-generation central receiver plant concepts with a view to beginning pilot plant construction in 2011.
Validation of thermal storage capability in concentrating solar plants. This technology enables plants to generate electricity when there is a lack of sunlight, thus increasing supply efficiency and security.
Ongoing work on a new high-concentration photovoltaic module, rendering significantly higher efficiencies at a lower cost by concentrating sunlight by 800 times.
Innovative photovoltaic technology was developed at the Seville R&D center in the area of new materials and thin film.
An experimental tool enabled energy production cost analysis for a variety of technologies and configurations.
New enzymes developed to break down cellulose.
CO2 capture technology enriched through microalgae production. A project was also rolled out to spur on development of energy crops.
Geographically distributed critical infrastructures managed effectively and efficiently through software systems.
Advanced high-precision information services developed to improve on decision-making processes in customer operations and supply chain systems.