Improvement Action

Improvement Action

Abengoa draws up a biyearly working climate survey to gauge employee perception of the company and its management team. In 2010, the survey was conducted throughout all business units. The findings reveal that the improvement actions rolled out during the previous cycle have had a positive bearing on the results this year round.


As well as continuing work on the projects and initiatives started in 2008, the company embarked on a number of new projects, which will be carried out in 2011 once the results have been analyzed. One of the questions to have stirred up the most interest in recent surveys concerns employee training and professional development.

Abengoa has been working tirelessly to reconfigure all internal training programs so as to increase their effectiveness at developing and honing its professionals.
2010 witnessed the arrival of a new management skills program. Geared not only towards the senior management but also towards middle management and team leaders, the program will get under way in 2011.

Targeting one of the company’s key profiles, the Project Managers Program has been rolled out in the United States. The company has signed a collaboration agreement with the McDonough business school, attached to Georgetown University.

Abengoa’s Project Managers Program provides the strategic conceptual notions and the hands-on knowledge required to continue expanding and advancing in innovation. The 10-month program will be given by lecturers from Georgetown University and Abengoa directors at the McDonough business school in Washington (USA).

Focusing on management skills and capacities, human resource and team management, and an in-depth awareness of the company, participants will explore best market practices through real scenarios and situations.

In addition to specific course content, which is intended in particular for Abengoa managers, the study plan designed with the McDonough school will provide core knowledge for those students who also wish to obtain the Project Manager association from the Project Management Institute (PMI), an international association for project management professionals