Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan

Since 2008, Abengoa has been developing a Corporate Social Responsibility Master Plan to establish the framework and guidelines to be followed by the company in this realm by mapping out strategic initiatives aimed at integrating stakeholder expectations and enabling the company to hone its competitive capabilities within a context of innovation and sustainable development, anticipating new sustainability-related business challenges and mitigating the risks inherent to company activity.

This Master Plan defines global short-, medium- and long-term action for each of the key issues needed to develop CSR at Abengoa, involving the entire company and enabling CSR strategy to be deployed throughout all business units through specific initiatives adapted to the social reality of the different communities in which Abengoa has a presence.

The plan outlines concrete objectives for each strategic initiative proposed, which thereby enables, through the definition of monitoring indicators, measurement of the company’s performance. Defining these objectives also requires the corresponding individuals in charge to analyze the risks inherent to each company facility.

As with Abengoa’s and business units’ strategic plans, the Master Plan is reviewed on an annual basis at corporate and business unit level by a follow-up committee set up expressly for this purpose.

