Abengoa’s main customer profile by business area is as follows:
Engineering and construction
- Recipient companies of infrastructure design and/or construction services.
- Public administration.
- Private developers.
Concession-type infrastructures
- Public administration.
- Companies that provide support services to industry.
- Electric utilities.
- Industrial companies to which installations or technology are provided.
- Society, as the end user of renewable energies..
Industrial production
- Oil companies.
- Petrochemical companies.
- Commercial companies.
- Financial institutions.
- Steel and foundry industries.
- Automobile sectors.
- Construction sectors.
- Chemical industries.
- Pharmaceutical industries.
- Public administrative bodies.
- Research facilities.
- Industrial mining area.
- Cellulose production industry.
- Afforestation, timber industrialization and trading companies.
- Livestock co-ops interested in DDGS.
- Primary zinc foundries.
- Primary aluminum industry.
- Transportation fuel producers and distributors.
- Society as the end user of renewable energy.