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360º Feedback Methodology: Performance assessment of individuals, encompassing different perspectives of their environment and context.

AA1000AS Standard: International standard for sustainability assurance based on the principles of inclusivity, materiality and responsiveness. [ + info ]

Abengoa’s common management systems: Norms and procedures of mandatory compliance for all employees and across company businesses. They are intended to mitigate risks through control processes and procedures for authorizing exceptions.

C@mpus Abengoa: Online training platform for Abengoa employees.

Carbon footprint: Volume of greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere as a product of company activity.

Caring for Climate: An international initiative created by the United Nations Global Compact to advance the role of the business community in addressing climate change. [ + info ]

Connect@: Corporate intranet.

CPA: Campus Palmas Altas (company headquarters).

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): One of three mechanisms established under the Kyoto Protocol to facilitate greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in developing countries (“Parties not included in Annex I”) in cooperation with developed countries (“Annex I”). The mechanism is defined under Article 12 of the Protocol and is intended to help developed countries meet their goals in limiting and lowering GHG emissions, while helping developing nations achieve sustainable development. [ + info ]

CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility for suppliers and contractors.

Corporate Reputation Business Monitor (Merco to use its Spanish acronym): Assessment instrument that measures the reputation of companies operating in Spain and Latin America. [ + info ]

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Master Plan: Guidelines that define the company’s CSR-related performance framework through a series of initiatives aimed at integrating stakeholder expectations into company strategy, identifying specific objectives, and devising specific actions to strengthen the company’s relationship with society.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI): Index which annually evaluates the environmental, financial and social performance of the world’s leading companies committed to sustainability. [ + info ]

Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS): A voluntary standard recognizing organizations that have implemented an environmental management system and undertaken a commitment to continuous improvement. [ + info ]

Environmental Sustainability Indicator System (ESI): Set of environmental indicators created by Abengoa to contribute to enhanced business management, enabling the company to measure and compare the sustainability of its activities and establish future improvement goals.

European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM): Model for helping to create European organizations that implement principles of quality into their business processes and stakeholder relations. [ + info ]

FCPA: US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. US law enacted to counter foreign corrupt practices.[ + info ]

FTSE4Good IBEX: Stock market index whose purpose is to measure the performance of companies that meet corporate responsibility standards. [ + info ]

GHG: Greenhouse gases.

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): International institution aimed at enhancing the quality, rigor and usefulness of sustainability reports. [ + info ]

Greenhouse Gas Management System: The set of procedures and tools provided under an internal norm designed by Abengoa on the basis of international standards aimed at gaining exhaustive knowledge of the direct and indirect GHG emissions resulting from each company activity, including emissions derived from third party-acquired products and services. The inventory thereby helps to promote environmentally responsible practices among suppliers.

Guidance: Orientation regarding the company’s keys figures in order to estimate results prior to official publication of financial figures.

Independent director: Proposed by the Nominations and Compensation Committee and appointed on the basis of their personal and professional qualifications without their relationships with the company, significant shareholders or senior management affecting their work.

Independent Panel of Experts on Sustainability Development (IPESD): Group composed of internationally renowned experts on sustainability development that analyzes the company’s CSR-related performance and responsiveness to stakeholder expectations.

Internal director: One with executive duties who at the same time is or represents a significant shareholder.

ISAE 3000: Benchmark establishing parameters for the verification of non-financial information.

ISO 9001: International certification of quality management systems.

ISO 14001: International certification of environmental management systems.

ISO 14064: International environmental standard that lends credibility and assurance to reports on greenhouse gas emissions and reduction.

ISO 26000: International standard that provides performance guidelines for all types of organizations in areas related to social responsibility, the environment, human rights and consumer rights.

Locally-based supplier: One with a fixed business base in the country of company operation and which is considered a resident of the same country for tax purposes, issuing invoices with a tax identification number issued by the fiscal authority of the same country.

Locally-hired senior manager: A senior manager whose nationality is the same as the regulatory region of the Abengoa company in which he or she works.

Materiality: Issues and matters that may have significant economic, environmental and social impacts for the organization and influence assessment of company performance.

OHS: Occupational Health and Safety.

OHSAS 18001: International certification for occupational health and safety systems.

Proprietary director: One who holds a significant shareholding interest or has been designated by a shareholder.

R&D+i: Research, Development and Innovation.

Ruggie Principles: A framework of principles and guidelines which, since 2011, outlines the measures nation states should adopt in order to promote respect for human rights among the business community. These principles are also intended to assist stakeholders in evaluating the performance of businesses in Human Rights affairs. [ + info ]

SA8000: International certification establishing minimum conditions for engagement in socially responsible labor practices that bring benefits to the entire supply chain.

Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act: Set of regulations of mandatory compliance for all companies listed in the United States that seeks to ensure the reliability of financial information and protect the interests of shareholders and investors by establishing a suitable internal control system. [ + info ]

Social action: Business initiative aimed at addressing social needs and expectations.

Social provider: Social entities dedicated to fostering the introduction into the labor market of persons at risk of social exclusion (such as special employment agencies, non-profit organizations, shelters for victims of domestic violence and organizations linked to immigrant groups).

Socially Responsible Investors (SRI): Operators who add social, environmental and good governance-related criteria to traditional financial investment criteria.

SRC: Social Responsibility Code.

Stage-Gate Methodology: Process for managing R&D+i projects that is divided into phases (stages) and assessments (gates). This system offers the possibility to analyze and evaluate project evolution, enabling a deeper level of analysis in decision-making, lowering associated risks, and optimizing all aspects of R&D+i management from the beginning through to the end of the process.

Stakeholders: Individuals or entities that may be significantly affected by the activities, products or services of an organization and that likewise affect the organization through their attitudes and activities, and which in turn may also directly or indirectly effect the evolution of business activity.

Sustainable development or sustainability: Development with the capacity to meet the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

United Nations Global Compact: UN initiative whose objective is to achieve voluntary commitment from entities in the realm of social responsibility through the implementation of ten principles. [ + info ]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A common ideal for individuals and institutions to promote respect for freedoms and rights and to ensure their universal recognition and application. The declaration was approved on December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations. [ + info ]

URM: Universal Risk Model of Abengoa.