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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of fifteen members: three women and twelve men aged between 47 and 68. Eight members are proprietary directors, four are independent, three are internal directors, and none of them is a board member of any other listed company.

Appointments and Remuneration Committee

The Appointments and Remuneration Committee has the duty of safeguarding and reporting to the Board of Directors on appointments, reelections, terminations and remuneration of the Board and its officers, and on general policy regarding compensation and incentives for board members and senior management.

The committee also verifies on an annual basis that the different board members continue to satisfy the requirements to remain as such. This body also acts to ensure that in filling any vacancies that may rise, selection procedures are not affected for reasons of gender.

Another important duty of this committee is to evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors and the executive board members.

Audit Committee

This committee is primarily made up of non-executive members, thereby fulfilling the requirements established under the standards of good governance. The duties and powers of the Audit Committee, as stipulated in its regulations, include overseeing and resolving conflicts of interest.

Strategy Committee

The Strategy Committee meets monthly to analyze the company’s evolution and the strategic lines to follow. This committee comprises the executive chairman, the executive vice chairman, the chief executive officer, the director of Corporate Strategy and Development, the business unit directors, the chief technical officer, the director of Human Resources, the director of Organization, Quality and Budgets, the financial director, the director of Planning and Control, the director of International Institutional Relations, the general secretary for Sustainability and the general secretary.